Intervención del Representante Permanente de la República Argentina, Embajador Martín García Moritán
24 de marzo
Sr. Presidente,
Nuestros países desean hacer la siguiente declaración la cual formularemos en idioma inglés habiendo previsto que las negociaciones podrían haberse extendido más allá de lo previsto. Sin perjuicio de ello, como miembros del Grupo de Amigos del Español, reiteramos nuestra firme convicción de respaldar el multilinguismo en Naciones Unidas.
Mr. Chair,
On behalf of Argentina, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, México, Panama, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay we would like to express our deep appreciation to you and your team, as well as to the Secretariat and the staff of UN Women and the facilitation team, for the tireless efforts and professional work done during the 61st session of the CSW.
We welcome the adoption by consensus of the Agreed Conclusions of the Commission, which will have a direct impact on women’s economic empowerment in the changing world of work, as well as in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the full achievement of gender equality the empowerment of all women and girls.
We recognize the complexity of the task. However, the extent of the proposals brought forward by all delegations is a recognition of the priority that the Member States of the United Nations attach to the priority theme of this year’s session.
Our Latin-American delegations jointly proposed language to strengthen references regarding human rights; all forms of discrimination against women and girls, including multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination; all forms of violence against women and girls; sexual and reproductive health and rights; groups in vulnerable situations; comprehensive quality education; social protection floors; the importance of balancing work and family life for women’s economic empowerment; the recognition of the value of unpaid care work; and the collection and analysis of disaggregated data; among other issues.
These are topics that our delegations consider intimately linked to the economic empowerment of women in the changing world of work, and as such we feel they were addressed by the Commission.
Many of our proposals came from the Panama Declaration, adopted by the Ministers and High Authorities of the National Mechanisms for the Advancement of Women of Latin American and the Caribbean as part of the regional consultations held on February in Panama City prior to this CSW session, as well as from other international and regional conventions, pacts and agreements on the human rights of women and gender equality, and we are glad to see them reflected in the final text.
The strong and positive references included in the text regarding indigenous women, the focus theme of this session; migrant women; women of African descent; older women and women with disabilities, have been a priority for our delegations.
We hope this will contribute to the full realization of the human rights of all women, of all ages, and in particular of those who belong to vulnerable groups and suffer multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination, such as girls, young women, indigenous, Afro-descendant, migrant, rural, the elderly, women in all their diversity of sexual orientation and gender identity, women with disabilities and women living with HIV/AIDS, as agreed by our Ministers in the Panama Declaration.
To conclude, Mr. Chair,
Our work during the last weeks has taught us that even when reaching agreements seems impossible, the open, inclusive and transparent dialogue among all delegations and the constructive spirit through the negotiations bring us together and allows us to come up with strong and meaningful consensus outcomes.