Intervention by Ambassador Feda Abdelhady, Deputy Permanent Representative of the Mission of the State of Palestina to the United Nations
11 de abril
Madame President,
1. I have the honor to deliver this statement on behalf of the Group of 77 and China.
2. We would like to extend our sincere gratitude and appreciation for the convening of this important annual Forum, which provides a welcome and open platform for discussions and exchange views on partnership.
3. The Group of 77 and China takes note of this year's theme entitled "Partnerships Driving Inclusive Implementation of the SDGs" recognizing the importance of multi-stakeholder partnerships and partnership platforms including those led by national governments, in the pursuit of the full implementation of the 2030 Agenda.
4. The Group also recognizes the need for global partnership for sustainable development, in order to pinpoint and address global challenges facing countries, especially developing countries in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the achievement of the SDGs.
5. The Group stresses that implementing the 2030 Agenda at all levels requires provision of means of implementation, a revitalized global partnership and the full implementation of SDG 17, as well as each specific Sustainable Development Goal. In this regard, we reiterate that a stronger commitment to partnership and cooperation is needed to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, an effort which will require coherent policies and an enabling environment for sustainable development at all levels and by all actors.
6. The Group emphasizes that the scale and level of ambition of the 2030 Agenda require strengthening and promoting robust, effective and transparent multi-stakeholder partnerships, while taking into account different national realities, capacities and levels of development, respecting national policies and priorities.
7. The Group welcomes the progress and advancements of South-South Cooperation projects and initiatives, and reaffirms that South-South Cooperation is a collective endeavor of developing countries, based on strong, genuine, broad-based partnership and solidarity. In this regard, the Group reiterates that South-South Cooperation is a complement to, rather than a substitute for, North-South Cooperation. In this connection, the Group welcomes the adoption of the outcome of the Second United Nations Conference on South-South Cooperation.
8. While we fully support United Nations multi-stakeholder partnerships, we also emphasize the importance of coordination in engaging potential partners between entities within the UN System, according to their respective mandates. ECOSOC as the main coordinating organ for partnerships has a significant role in this regard, and UN DESA could lead in undertaking a mapping exercise of UN partnership initiatives to be noted by Member States. We also stress that UN multi-stakeholder partnerships must be based on transparency and accountability.
9. In light of the increasing imbalance of the funding structure for the UN development system, we highlight that partnerships between entities of the UNDS and other stakeholders should aim to prevent further imbalance between core and non-core resources, while giving priority to the former. Moreover, non-core resources from development partners must be flexible, and aligned with national strategic plans and priorities.
10. Finally, to enhance and advance global partnership for development, we reiterate the need for developed countries to fulfill their commitments regarding Official Development Assistance to developing countries and to provide genuine debt relief to LDCs.
11. To strengthen and increase synergies in our joint efforts for the full and comprehensive implementation of the 2030 Agenda, the Group reaffirms its readiness to work with all stakeholders to encourage effective partnerships, including public, public-private and with non-governmental organizations, philanthropic organizations, academia, and civil society.
I thank you.