Intervention by the Permanent Representative of the Argentine Republic, Amb. Martín García Moritán
October 17
Mr. Chair,
In the framework of the fiftieth anniversary of the Outer Space Treaty, the Argentine Republic reaffirms the fundamental role played by the Treaty in the maintenance of the outer space for peaceful purposes and in the promotion of the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations, in interest in maintaining international peace and security and the promotion of international cooperation.
Argentina will continue to work actively and support the Commission on the Use of Outer Space for Peaceful Purposes (COPUOS), whose significant contribution to the creation and development of the international legal regime governing outer space activities is particularly acknowledged.
Mr. Chair,
Argentina created more than 25 years ago the National Commission of Space Activities (CONAE), a civil, decentralized, and specialized organization dedicated to the peaceful use of space and that defines Argentina as a "space country", having developed a dozen satellite missions.
At the end of 2016, CONAE prepared the 2016-2027 Space Plan that includes the manufacture in Argentina of satellites and satellite launchers and the incorporation of Segmented Architecture, a paradigmatic concept of satellite development. The objective of the new series of SAOCOM satellites, which are in the development phase, is the measurement of soil moisture and applications in emergencies, such as the detection of spills of hydrocarbons in the sea and the monitoring of water floods.
Mr. Chair,
Argentina supports the non-militarization of outer space and, as a world heritage, its strict use for the improvement of living conditions and peace among the peoples that inhabit our planet reaffirming the understanding of Assembly resolution 71/31 General "the right of all countries to explore and use outer space in accordance with international law, also reaffirming that preventing an arms race in outer space is in the interest of the maintenance of international peace and security and is a precondition indispensable to promote and strengthen international cooperation in the exploration and use of outer space for peaceful purposes”
Because of this, Argentina emphasizes that the prevention of the arms race in outer space and the prohibition of locating or using weapons there, would avoid a serious danger to international peace and security. In this regard, Argentina supports, as a step towards achieving this objective, the adoption in the framework of the First Committee of a resolution that establishes a Commitment not to be the first to place weapons in outer space.
Mr. Chair,
Argentina supports the negotiation within the framework of the Conference on Disarmament of a treaty that prohibits the placement of armaments in outer space. As long as this does not take place, the adoption of international transparency and confidence-building measures in outer space activities is undoubtedly convenient and necessary.
This, taking into account that Article IV of the Space Treaty only prohibits weapons of mass destruction and nuclear weapons, but not conventional weapons and even less instruments or practices that can be used as weapons, such as interference in signals from and to the ground stations or between satellites, anti-satellites or computer viruses.
Mr. Chair,
In conclusion, the Delegation of Argentina would like to highlight the informal discussions that took place on the occasion of the 2017 session of the Disarmament Commission, on Transparency Measures and the Promotion of Confidence for the Prevention of an Arms Race in Outer Space. It is undoubtedly a very dynamic issue that arouses the interest of the Member States and that we hope will be incorporated into the work of the Commission.
Thank you very much Mr. Chair.