
Fifth Committee (Administrative and Budgetary Matters)


The Fifth Committee of the General Assembly oversees the administrative functioning of the Organization and approves its budgets.

Like the other Committees of the General Assembly, it meets on a "main session", from September to December, at the start of the sessions of the General Assembly, as well as on other two "resumed" sessions in March and May every year.

The main general topics addressed by this Committee are the following:

- The biennial regular budget of the Organization
- The annual budgets of peacekeeping operations
- The triennial scales of assessments for the apportionment of expenses among Member States in relation to the regular budget and peacekeeping operations
- The issues related to human resources management of the Organization

In addition, the Commission deals with all matters of administration and building infrastructure, security at the different locations, auditing of accounts and supervision of the activities of the various bodies, funds and programs the Organization, as well as with the harmonization of its technical and logistical procedures, among many others.

The Fifth Committee is the last one to finish its work during the "main session" as it has to analyze and allocate resources to enable the Secretariat to fulfill the mandates of the other five Committees.

In this matter, the Delegation of Argentina coordinates its position within the Group of 77 and China, favoring, as far as possible, the adoption of resolutions by the way of consensus. The Delegation of Argentina participates actively in the negotiations, in line with its commitment to the efficiency and effectiveness of the Organization, in particular seeking that peacekeeping operations have sufficient resources for the proper performance of its mandates.

For more information on the work of the Fifth Committee please visit the related UN website: http://www.un.org/es/ga/fifth/about.shtml