
The Situation in the Middle East and the Question of Palestine

Statement by the Permanent Representative of the Argentine Republic, Amb. Martín García Moritán

November 29, 2016

Mr. President,

Argentina would like to make a statement related to the situation in the Middle East and the question of Palestine, items 34 and 35 of the Agenda of the General Assembly, which my country follows with great concern.

Nearly 70 years have passed since the establishment of the State of Israel and the adoption of the resolution 181 (II) of the General Assembly which established a Plan for the partition of Palestine, and almost 50 years has passed since the beginning of the occupation of the Gaza Strip, East Jerusalem and the West Bank.

Since then, we have seen numerous peace initiatives, from the Conference of Madrid of 1991 to the unsuccessful attempt of resuming negotiations in 2013, none of which have accomplished a just, comprehensive and lasting peace, on the basis of the two-state solution, with a State of Israel and a State of Palestine living side-by-side on the basis of the borders of 1967 and what the parties determine in the negotiation process. 

Notwithstanding the efforts undertaken during these years, the situation continues being characterized by the recurring cycle of violence and intolerance, without a short term horizon of progress. For that reason it is urgent to renew efforts aimed at reversing the current negative trends on the ground, through constructive signals of both parties and a responsible and committed action of the Security Council. 

Mr. President,

Argentina reasserts its support to the right of the Palestinian people to become an independent and viable State recognized by all nations, as well a as the right of the State of Israel to live in peace with its neighbors within secure and internationally recognized borders.
Moreover, Argentina reiterates its concern for the persistent and continuous growth of the illegal Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestine territories and calls on to cease its expansion. As it has been indicated by the General Assembly, the settlements are contrary to international law and an obstacle for peace; the settlements weaken the possibilities of a two-state solution, living in peace and security, and promote the perpetuation of an unsustainable status quo.

Argentina considers inadmissible that Hamas and other Palestinian groups launch attacks on Israeli civilians. The launch of rockets against Israel from the Gaza Strip must end immediately. My country condemns in the strongest terms all terrorist actions and it is convinced that in the same manner that there is no military solution to the conflict, neither there is a terrorist solution. It is necessary that Palestinian leaders sincerely address the security concerns of Israel.

At the same time, we note with concern that the Israeli response to the situation is almost entirely focused on security aspects, including cases of excessive use of force by Israeli forces in the context of attacks and alleged attacks conducted by Palestinians and in combats, as well as continued violence of settlers.

Regarding the situation of East Jerusalem, Argentina reaffirms the special status of Jerusalem, in accordance with the relevant resolutions of the United Nations and, in that regard, it rejects any unilateral attempt of introducing modifications, in particular regarding the Old City, the one which has special meaning for the three monotheistic religions. My country understands that the holy City should be a place of encounter and peace, and that access to holy sites must be guaranteed for Jewish, Muslims and Christians. Any attempt aimed at denying or relativizing the historical link with and the profound meaning of those places for the three religions is completely unacceptable and doesn't contribute to the objective of finding a peaceful solution to the conflict, by reinforcing negative prejudices and mistrust between the parties.

In a World which continues being witness of cross-border terrorist acts, we understand that the achievement of a lasting solution to the Palestinian question will significantly contribute to the stability of this region which is subject to such upheaval. For that reason, we deplore the inflammatory rhetoric of extremists of both sides.

Collective efforts are required to work for the two-state solution, as established by the relevant resolutions of the General Assembly and the Security Council, as well as by the Road Map and the Arab Peace Initiative.

Mr. President,

The identity of my country has been shaped by the interaction among communities from different origins, ethnicities and religions, where Christians, Jewish and Muslims live together in harmony. It was an Argentine-Israeli musician (also a Palestinian by adoption), Maestro Daniel Barenboim, who founded the West-Eastern Divan Orchestra to promote intercultural dialogue through music. Last February, the Secretary-General designated the orchestra as Global Advocate of the United Nations for the cultural understanding, as an acknowledgment to its contribution for breaking barriers and building bridges between communities. The orchestra is a proof that dialogue between different communities and cultures is possible and needed.

Being aware that nothing is simple and nothing happens overnight, Argentina would like to call upon Palestinians and Israelis to reassume peace talks, acting with good will, with flexibility and in accordance with the International law, with a view to reaching an agreement on the pending questions regarding the final status of Palestine in all its aspects.

Thank you very much, Mr. President.