
"High Level Commitments Event on Women, Peace and Security: Preparing for the 20th Anniversary of 1325"

Intervention by the Permanent Representative of the Argentine Republic, Amb. Martín García Moritán

April 23

Argentina would like to thank Germany and United Kingdom as well as UN Women for organizing this timely event that allows us to highlight the important value of the Security Council resolution 1325.

This was the first resolution that recognized the disproportionate and unique impact of armed conflict on women and girls, acknowledged the contributions women and girls make to conflict prevention, peacekeeping, conflict resolution and peace building and highlighted the importance of their equal and full participation, as active agents in peace and security.

We strongly believe that the development of national plans aimed at implementing Resolution 1325 must be seen as an essential strategy to build peace and prevent sexual violence, especially in conflict situation.

In that regard, Argentina has a strong commitment when it comes to the implementation of the Resolution 1325 National Action Plan, which seeks to identify structural barriers that hinder women's participation in the field of international peace and security, and increase their leadership role in significant decision-making places.

In that sense, bearing in mind the 20th Anniversary of the Resolution 1325 in 2020, Argentina engages to implement since June 2019, the “Gender Parity Law in areas of Political Representation”, passed on November 17, 2017 (Law 27,412) and regulated this year.

This Act will be applied for the first time in the next elections for the President of the Nation in October 2019. The National Institute for Women (INAM) is one of the bodies that will monitor compliance with the Parity Law, and an Observatory on Women's Political Participation will be created to monitor its implementation.

This specific Law is in accordance with the International Human Rights treaties to which Argentina is a State Party, specially the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, whose article 7 states that States Parties shall take all appropriate measures to eliminate discrimination against women in the political and public life of the country and, in particular, shall ensure to women, the right to be eligible for election to all publicly elected bodies.

Thank you.