
Interactive dialogue with independent expert on Enjoying All Human Rights of Old People, Ms. Claudia Mahler

Statement delivered by the Permanent Representative of Argentina, Ambassador María del Carmen Squeff

October 8th


Thank you very much Mr. President.

First of all, Argentina thanks the Independent Expert on the enjoyment of all human rights by the elderly, Da. Claudia Mahler, for her presentation, expresses her appreciation for her outstanding work and reiterates her full support for her mandate.

We also thank the Independent Expert for preparing her latest report presented during the 45th session of the Human Rights Council, in compliance with Council resolution 42/12. In particular, we highlight the importance of the focus of the latest 75/205 report presented to the General Assembly, in which it is examined the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the enjoyment of human rights by older persons.

In this regard, I would like to express our sincere concern about the devastating impact that the pandemic has had on the lives of older people. We are facing a decisive moment that requires immediate action in order to make the voice of older people visible and listen to combat discrimination based on age and ensure the full enjoyment of their human rights on equal terms with others.

Mr. President, I would like to end by asking a question to the Independent Expert:

 In your latest report, you note that the pandemic has not only shed light on the obstacles that prevent older persons from fully enjoying their human rights but has also shown that it is being left behind. Do you think that a complete and integrated international legal instrument would help to overcome the chronic invisibility of the problems of protection of the rights of older persons and move towards a full and effective protection of their human rights that lasts beyond the response and recovery stages of the pandemic?


Thank you very much.