Statement on behalf of the Group of 77 and China by Ms Nada Tarbush, First Counsellor at the Mission of the State of Palestine to the United Nations.
March 12
Madam Chair,
1. I have the honour to speak on behalf of the Group of 77 and China on agenda item 136: Programme budget for the biennium 2018-2019 "Progress in the implementation of the organisational resilience management system".
2. The Group of 77 and China wishes to thank Ms. Olga De La Piedra, Director, Office of the Under-Secretary-General, DMSPC, for introducing the Secretary-General's report on progress in the implementation of the organisational resilience management system contained in document A/73/666, as well as Mr Cihan Terzi, Chair of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions, for introducing its related report contained in document A/73/775.
Madam Chair,
3. The Group welcomes the progress made in the implementation of an organisational resilience management system (ORMS). The Group recalls that an effective ORMS strengthens the organisation's ability to prevent, prepare for, respond to and recover from an emergency.
4. Crisis management, security management, business continuity, information and communications technology disaster recovery, medical emergency response, crisis communication and support to staff, survivors and families are core elements of the United Nations resilience management system. The ORMS system must address all of these elements to be effective.
5. The Group notes the information provided on the level of compliance with the agreed key performance indicators, as well as the increased number of agencies, funds and programmes self-reporting during the period 2016-2018. We will seek further information during the informal consultations on the criteria and methods for determining compliance, as well as the development of future indicators to measure the organisation's capabilities in emergency management. The Group further looks forward to information on the revised draft policy plan and guidelines on organisational resilience to be submitted to the Chief Executives Board in the first half of 2019.
Madam Chair,
6. The organisational resilience management system requires a strong governance structure that guarantees coordination, integration and harmonization. The Group notes that the Sustainability and Resilience Management Unit in the Business Transformation and Accountability Division in the Department of Management Strategy, Policy and Compliance will continue to coordinate and promote the implementation of the organisational resilience management system within the United Nations system. The Group of 77 and China will seek further information on the redistribution of responsibilities for the headquarters governance structure regarding the management of emergency and crisis situations between the Department of Management Strategy, Policy and Compliance and the Department of Operational Support, as well as the incorporation of the resident coordinator system, as the response to crises had previously been unified under one department in the Secretariat.
7. The Group notes the information on the implementation of the ORMS in the offices away from Headquarters, regional commissions, field missions and the participating specialized agencies, funds and programmes of the United Nations system. The Group believes that further progress can be made in harmonising plans and initiatives in entities operating in the same facilities, or in similar environments. The Group would like to emphasise that collaboration with Host Government authorities is an important part of all emergency and security risk management efforts.
8. The test of the ORMS will be in its response to an emergency situation. In this regard, the Group will reflect on the training of staff; the identification of staff to implement the plans; progress in establishing emergency notification systems; regular practice drills; implementation of ICT disaster recovery plans; the effective integration of risk management plans; and the harmonisation of plans across the system.
9. In conclusion, madam Chair, let me reiterate the readiness of the Group to engage constructively on this important agenda item.
Thank you.