
Statement on behalf of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) Fifth Committee Organizational Session, Second Resumed Session 71st Session of the General Assembly

Statement of the Permanent Mission of El Salvador to the United Nations on behalf of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) 

May 2

Madame Chair,

1. I have the honor to speak on behalf of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States, CELAC.

2. Before I begin, I would like to reiterate our Community’s support on your Chairmanship. We extend our gratitude for your dedication during the main and first resumed sessions, which allowed us to achieve a consensus on time, thus abiding by our programme of work. You and the other members of the Bureau can count on the committed support of the Community for the successful conclusion of our work at this second resumed session.

3. We also wish to thank the Secretariat for its invaluable work and appreciate the preparation of the documentation and programme of work for the upcoming session.
             Madame Chair,

4. Our Community attaches the utmost importance to the discussions on the administrative and budgetary aspects of UN Peacekeeping Operations and underscores the need to ensure that they have the necessary resources to implement their mandates.

5. Our programme of work contains issues of great interest to CELAC, including the reports related to the financing of individual Peacekeeping Operations, in particular the closing and opening missions in Haiti, as well as the overview and cross-cutting issues, measures against sexual exploitation and abuse, the support account, among others.

Madame Chair,

6. CELAC is keen to discuss the reports regarding the financing of the closing United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) and the newly mandated United Nations Mission for Justice Support in Haiti (MINUJUSTH).

7. The countries of CELAC are very proud of the work done by MINUSTAH, including its military component, which has always had exemplary operational performance, contributing to the success of the Mission. It is now essential to work to protect the hard gains of MINUSTAH, especially in the area of security. CELAC would like to stress that MINUJUSTH will receive the same support from our community that MINUSTAH has historically received.

8. In this regard, CELAC would like to reiterate the importance we attach to Community Violence Reduction tools and Quick-Impact Projects. MINUSTAH’s experience has shown the potential of innovative approaches that should continue to be carried out by the new mission. CVRs and QIPs have played an important role in supporting core stabilization objectives and will certain be crucial for the consolidation of the Rule of Law in Haiti.

Madame Chair,

9. CELAC wishes to highlight once again the principle that each peacekeeping operation has a standalone budget, planned and approved according to its mandate and specific needs, so peacekeeping budgets should be considered individually to ensure the effective and efficient discharge of their respective mandates. This includes, where required an adequate level of resources in support of programmatic activities, with a view to strengthening the peacebuilding agenda.

10. CELAC wishes to express its regret that the Fifth Committee has been unable to fulfill its commitment of considering and deciding on the necessary reforms to the funding and backstopping for Special Political Missions. We reiterate our views that the current administrative and budgetary arrangements for these Missions are inadequate and have an adverse effect on the regular budget, accountability, governance, and transparency of the Organization, and insist on correcting the deficiencies of the current arrangements, to finally respond to the constant and urgent calls of the Secretariat, the Advisory Committee, and the Board of Auditors, among others.

11. CELAC recalls that General Assembly resolution 65/293 requested the Secretary General to submit concrete proposals to address the issue of outstanding amounts due to Member States from closed peacekeeping missions that are in net cash deficit. The Community considers that the current and previous reports under this agenda must be thoroughly discussed and an outcome to this issue shall be sought, ensuring that Member States in arrears to the closed missions meet their financial obligations.

Madame Chair,

12. The Community wishes to reemphasize the importance of respecting the deadline of this session and encourages all delegations to make efforts so no extension will be necessary.

13. We also call the Secretariat to make every necessary effort to submit the reports within the set deadlines, in accordance with the Rules of Procedure of the General Assembly, for due consideration of the Committee.

Madame Chair,

14. In conclusion, CELAC reiterates its commitment to collaborate on all agenda items and to constructively engage in formal and informal negotiations. We are certain that the negotiations will remain transparent and inclusive and lead to a satisfactory conclusion for the Organization and all Member States.

             I thank you.