
Statement on behalf of the Group of 77 and China by the Permanent Mission of Egypt to the United Nations, On agenda item 135: Review of the Administrative and Financial Functioning of the United Nations - Human Resources Placement

Statement on behalf of the Group of 77 and China by Mr Mohamed Fouad, Consellor at the Permanent Mission of Egypt to the United Nations

October 15

Madame Chair,

1. I have the honour to speak on behalf of the G77 and China on agenda items 127, 136 and 137 "Review of efficiency of the administrative and financial functioning of the United Nations: Shifting the management paradigm in the United Nations: comparative assessment of human resources structures".

2. At the outset, the Group thanks Ms. Maria Luiza Ribeiro Viotti, Chef de Cabinet, as well as Mr. Carlos Ruiz-Massieu, Chair of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions, for introducing their respective reports on this agenda item. The Group also recognizes the presence of Mr. Atul Khare, Undersecretary-General for Field Support.

Madame Chair,

3. The Group underscores the importance of resolution A/72/266 adopted by the General Assembly earlier this year, which approved the reorganization of the current Department of Management and Department of Field Support into the proposed new Department of Management Strategy, Policy and Compliance and Department of Operational Support and paved the way for the realization of the Secretary General's vision to shift the management paradigm in the organization.

4. The Group is particularly proud of its contribution to the reform process, with a view to enhance the ability of the organization to deliver on its mandate in different areas of its activities a time where multilateralism is being questioned and the world is grappling with increasingly more complex challenges. The Group firmly believes that enhancing the effectiveness of the organization's human resources is a crucial component of this paradigm shift we are all seeking to achieve.

Madame Chair,

5. In follow-up of the General Assembly's resolution A/72/266, the Secretariat submitted before us a comparative assessment of placing human resources functions in a single consolidated department or two distinct departments, with a view to ensuring a unified approach, optimizing the distribution of functions and avoiding duplications.

6. We express our appreciation for the Secretary-General for his detailed report and will carefully examine various aspects thereof. The group will be interested to learn more in the ensuing informal consultations about previous human resources reforms and will seek clarifications regarding their impact and lessons learned as well as the background and rationale behind the placement of human resources functions in the secretariat whether in the field or headquarters during the past years and the advantages and disadvantages of different options available in this regard.

7. The Group will also seek to better understand the current challenges related to human resources management in the Secretariat particularly with regard to recruitment, policy inconsistency between the field and headquarters, managing staff performance, and the slow progress in achieving balanced geographic representation at all levels. We believe this is highly critical to better assess the ability of a single structure or a dual structure to effectively address these challenges.

8. We will also take advantage of the findings contained in the evaluation conducted by the OIOS in 2018 on key issues faced by the organization in the area of human resources management and will seek clarification regarding the findings and recommendations of that evaluation.

Madame Chair,

9. We would like to reiterate the Group's unwavering commitment to reform the organization in a manner that enables it to make a difference on the ground. In this regard, it is of great importance to the Group to put in place the proper structures and to approve the appropriate methods of work for human resources management, that ensure that the working force of the organization has the skills and dynamism that are needed to meet new and emerging challenges.

10. In conclusion, I would like to assure you - Madame Chair- of the Group's cooperation and constructive engagement with all relevant stakeholders to conclude this important agenda item in a timely manner and with a positive outcome.

I thank you.